In pursuit of excellence in wound care, building future products, and working with the pleasant and competent, it is a pleasure to introduce a new colleague at Principelle.
Recently Dr. Kees Beukelman assumed responsibilities that will ultimately lead to new products and help us grow.
Kees Beukelman studied Medical Biology at Utrecht University, finished his PhD in 1987 at the Faculty of Medicine and is employed at the Faculty of Science since 1991. Kees is co-founder of PhytoGeniX (2000), ORAC Europe (2007) and PhytoTreat (2010).
We have cooperated for a longer period, even before Principelle was established in 2008. Kees has now effectively joined the Principelle Team and their efforts to expand internationally. Bringing science and product development together, in the context of his experiences at the University of Utrecht and Phytogenix, we feel very fortunate to welcoming this new member of our staff.